Payton Felix - Jan 26 2023

Spice Up Your Graduation with Obioma Fashion

Calling all Spring 2023 college graduates! In just three short months this year’s college seniors will be walking across that stage. Finally receiving confirmation that all those late nights, long study hours, and time spent anxiously awaiting the results of a chemistry test have paid off. As exciting as it is, graduation season is filled with its own set of worries. Am I going to get a job? What if I chose the wrong major? How am I going to make enough money to support myself? One thing you don’t need to stress over is looking fantastic walking across that stage! 

Here at Obioma Fashion we work with many Colleges and University organizations to provide clothes and performers for fashion shows, uniforms for dance teams, and, most importantly, caps gowns and stoles for graduation! We are the number 1 fashion brand that caters to college organizations including the University of Chicago, Northeastern University, Brown University, and more. 

Graduation Stoles

Graduation stoles or, sometimes called, graduation sashes are worn around your neck on graduation day. They can represent an achievement, astounding success, or a membership to a campus group. Stoles for graduation come in many colors and embellishments to represent a certain achievement or affiliation.

 At Obioma you can dress up your typical graduation attire with our traditional African Asoke stole. They can all be customized to represent your university, graduation year, and tailored to your desired length. It is a great way to add your own personal touch to your exciting day!

Graduation Gowns

I’m sure we all know what a graduation gown is. They are usually black, but this can vary based on your schools’ colors or the level of education you are graduating from. However, they all tend to swallow your figure and are, frankly, not very flattering.

 Here at Obioma you can add some life to your graduation attire with our traditional African Ankara Brown and Gold cap and gown! Designed by our Spring 2022 Intern Abigail Afriyie, this set is a great way to leave college with a bang. This set is completely customizable so you can make your special day feel just that, special!

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